Like many of us, I am home isolated with my family. While keeping safe, well and intensely appreciative of our…
How do you tell if an EAL pupil has Speech and Language Needs? Your job is not to diagnose, but…
The Top 5 Things to Think About When Approaching EAL Welcome to EAL Made Easy! Join our discussion of EAL…
Don’t blunder in with any old EAL resource. Learn what you need to support your students’ stage of language acquisition.…
Student D: Bright or Gifted? How you can tell and why it matters… A bright spark….how does the EAL team…
This article discusses semilingualism, SEN and EAL learners. It charts the journey through different differentiation strategies tried with one challenging EAL pupil.
Find out the three main principles behind differentiation for EAL and main stream curriculum areas. Here is a working example for Life Science and EAL pupils. Download free resources that go with this article.
How do you know if a student is SEN as well as EAL? What constitutes slow progress? Learn the hypothesis-testing approach that helps you decide and differentiate appropriately.
Try these quick tricks and top tips with your EAL pupils today. This top list of the most commonly used and effective strategies developed across all EAL teaching.
Don’t know where to begin with your EAL learners? Try these Top 9 strategies to today in your classroom.